


technological innovations, training, shooting, individualized preparation, computer modeling


The article highlights the importance of using modern information technologies to enhance the efficiency of the training process in shooting sports. Information technologies have become an integral part of the training system, providing more accurate monitoring and control over the technical aspects of shooters' preparation. However, the issue of integrating these technologies into the training process and their impact on athletes' performance requires further research. The aim of the study is to examine the impact of technological innovations, focusing on tools such as optoelectronic systems, virtual and augmented reality, as well as the use of artificial intelligence to optimize the technical preparation of shooters. The research methods used include theoretical analysis and synthesis, analysis of documentary materials, and comparison. Results and conclusions. Based on the analysis of documentary materials and generalizations, we described the application of information technologies that are crucial for improving the efficiency of the training process and enhancing the results of shooters. The implementation of computer modeling, data analysis programs, and various technological solutions, such as optoelectronic systems, virtual and augmented reality, significantly expands the possibilities for athlete preparation. In shooting sports, these innovations allow for precise control over each stage of the shooting process, providing athletes and coaches with the ability to analyze key indicators and adjust technique in real-time. The development of technologies based on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision opens new opportunities for training optimization, increasing accuracy, and ensuring individualized preparation. Thus, the integration of information technologies into sports processes is a key factor in improving athletic performance and enhancing the competitiveness of athletes in top-level competitions.


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