multiple sclerosis, physical therapy, therapeutic exercises, massageAbstract
The purpose of the study is to improve the program of physical therapy for people of the first mature age with multiple sclerosis in hospital conditions. The object of the research: physical therapy of persons of the first mature age with multiple sclerosis. The subject of the study: means and methods of physical therapy of people of the first mature age with multiple sclerosis in hospital conditions. Research methods: Analysis of scientific and methodological literature, sociological methods, medical and biological methods, methods of mathematical statistics. The practical significance of the work consists in optimizing the recovery process in multiple sclerosis by using the rehabilitation examination algorithm and selecting the most adequate means of physical therapy. The results. As a result of a 3-week course of recovery according to the method of physical therapy of people with multiple sclerosis developed by us, we observed an improvement in the physical and psycho-emotional state of patients. According to the results of the Motricity Index, which was used to assess the degree of hemiparesis and the motor function of the arm, leg, and side of the body, we obtained the following data: the motor function of the right hand in the main group improved by 7.6%, the left hand by 5.2%, in the comparison group, respectively, by only 1.5%, the left hand – 0.9%. The motor function of the right leg in the main group improved by 8.7%, and the left leg by 6.9%, in the comparison group, respectively, only by 4.6%, the left leg – by 2.4%. According to the Rivermead MotorAssessment test, scores from the "general functions" section increased by 1.5 points on average in the main group, and by 0.8 points in the comparison group, scores from the "leg and trunk" section by 1, 5 points and 1 point and points from the "hand" section for 3 points and 1.5 points, respectively. As a result of the re-examination of the assessment of muscle spasticity according to Ashforth, the elasticity of the adductor muscles of the thigh and the elasticity of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh decreased by 0.5 points in both groups. As a result of the assessment of the quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis, it was established that the indicators of the main group showed better results compared to the comparison group.
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