


physical fitness, concussion, military professional activity, combat experience, military applied skills, functional state


The proper level of constant readiness for combat missions by the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is an extremely important and necessary factor for the effective performance of their assigned tasks in accordance with their chosen specialty in order to protect the borders of our state. It is known that all military and professional activities of representatives of law enforcement agencies involve constant tension, both physical and mental, and are characterized by the influence of various stress factors in the course of performing combat missions. Conducting combat operations involving a risk to the life and health of military personnel leads to various types of injuries to personnel. The participation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in combat operations on the territory of Ukraine against the aggressor of the Russian Federation has led to a significant increase in the number of servicemen and women who have combat wounds, injuries or traumas. The most common consequence of the deterioration of a serviceman's health is contusions (its prevalence among the total number of injuries is 70%), which in turn leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of combat operations and undermines combat readiness. At the same time, the adaptation of servicemen who sustained concussions while performing combat missions should be comprehensive. It is the means of physical training that play an important role in the professional realization of servicemen in everyday life, as well as ensuring a positive impact on the performance of assigned tasks in modern combat. Physical training is not only an important factor that determines the professional realization of servicemen, but also affects the performance of combat missions. Physical training ensures the physical readiness of servicemen to perform professional tasks, endure physical exertion, develop physical qualities, form military-applied skills and abilities, develop strong-willedness, improve health and increase the body's resistance to adverse conditions and factors of combat activity. After all, servicemen with combat experience are a significant contingent for the Ukrainian army, as their combat experience is important as a basis for the development and improvement of military training.


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