health status, pain symptoms, motor function restoration program, physical exercises, physical performanceAbstract
Participation of military personnel in combat operations increases the risk of receiving wounds and injuries, including spinal injuries, which leads to limited motor activity and physical performance, and is one of the most pressing medical and social problems. One of the modern methods of physical rehabilitation is kinesiotherapy, which is based on specially selected physical exercises for the individual needs of each military personnel with different health conditions and levels of physical fitness. Purpose: to study the effect of using the kinesiotherapy method in the physical rehabilitation of military personnel with spinal injuries. Material and methods of the study: 28 military personnel aged 20 to 40 years who had complaints of pain in different parts of the spine took part in the study. The assessment of the mobility of the spine was determined: by the «Chin-sternum» test, Ott; Schober, Thomayer. The pain syndrome was assessed using a visual analogue scale (VAS). The developed kinesiotherapy program included specially selected exercises, taking into account the individual characteristics of each military personnel: exercises using rubber expanders, exercises on special simulators, exercises with personal weight, stretching and relaxation exercises. Classes were held for 2 months, three times a week for 1,5 hours. Results: the positive dynamics of the condition of military personnel was determined according to the «Chinsternum » test by 7,15%; Ott by 21,43%; Schober by 17,86%; Thomayer by 39.29% and a decrease in pain in the spine according to the VAS scale were determined. Conclusions: The conducted studies determined that the developed kinesiotherapy program and its integration into the rehabilitation system of military personnel has a positive effect on the dynamics of the condition of military personnel in terms of reducing pain syndrome and restoring motor functions in various parts of the spine.
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