young athletes, general and special physical fitness, effectiveness, differentiation, physical training, comparisonAbstract
The scarcity of research focusing on the differentiation of physical training based on indicators of general and special physical fitness among martial arts athletes highlights the relevance of this study. The aim is to establish the differences in general and special physical fitness indicators among young taekwondo athletes following the implementation of a differentiated physical training program in various training cycles. Materials and Methods: The research employed theoretical analysis, a synthesis of references and online resources, pedagogical testing, and mathematical statistics. To assess physical fitness, we relied on recommendations from program-regulatory documents, supplemented by taekwondo ITF specialists. The control drills included 19 indicators for general physical fitness and 12 for special physical fitness. Results: The results indicate that the experimental group demonstrated a significant advantage in control exercises requiring longer durations (specific/speed-strength endurance). This suggests that taekwondo athletes in the experimental group could perform specific (striking) tasks for longer periods, with varying combinations and sequences of technical actions. At the same time, the performance levels in control drills characterizing speed-strength work were not inferior to those of the control group. This indicates the potential of applying the author's scientific and methodological approach to physical training differentiation in the training process of 12-13-year-old taekwondo athletes. Conclusions: Thus, the application of a differentiated approach to physical training, as exemplified by the young athletes in the experimental group, resulted in more pronounced changes in the level of physical fitness over the annual training cycle. However, at the intermediate testing stage, both groups exhibited similar changes in all test results.
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