motor activity, imitative modeling, pupils, spare time.Abstract
Abstract. Results of the research on the possibility of using imitative modeling to study the correlation between time spent on physical activity and other activities by boys aged 12–14 years are presented in the article. The aim of research was to determine the factors, which influence correlation between indicators of time spent by pupils on physical activity and other activities. Methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, analysis and synthesis, methods of mathematical statistics, simulation model building method (Monte Carlo method). Simulation model building method (Monte Carlo method) used for this, showed the possibility of using specially defined source data to model the correlations between time spent on different types of activities during the day. The research was conducted taking into consideration empirical data on the time spent on various activities by 12–14 years aged pupils. The study was carried out on the basis of secondary schools № 45 and № 54 (Lviv). In total 310 persons aged 12–14 years were involved in the study. As a result, it was established, that using certain correlation of values differences indicators, it is possible to model the desired correlation values. The ratio of values differences indicators between the different groups of data is the main factor influencing the correlation between the time spent on physical activity and other types of activities.
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