
  • Anastasiya DMITRENKO Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky Author
  • Nataliya SERHATA Municipal Institution of Higher Education "Khortytsia National Training and Rehabilitation Academy" of Zaporizhia Regional Council Author
  • Khrystyna KHIMENES Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky Author


nontraining factors, competitions, restoration, nutrition, components.


Summary. Rationally planned daily regime – an integral part of the successful performance of the athlete in competitions of different levels. After all, a qualitative level of preparedness, a mood, a desire for struggle is possible only at proper functioning of an organism. There are practically no studies that would reveal the value of daily regime in archery. At the same time, individual experts demonstrate the importance of some of its components, such as: nutrition, recovery and training. It is expedient today to reveal the structure of the daily mode of a qualified athlete, since it is an important non-training factor that determines the effectiveness of its training system. The aim of the study. To characterize the structure of the daily regime of qualified athletes-archers. Methods of scientific research: theoretical analysis and generalization, method of questioning, method of observation, methods of mathematical statistics. Results Correct and balanced nutrition, an adequate balance of loading and rest create the preconditions for the formation of a sports person in all respects. If these requirements are not met, there is a sharp decline in sports results, a lack of recovery of the body and failure of adaptation. According to the results of the study, sportsmen in archery do not have a complete picture of the features of the construction of day regime in practice, due to the lack of scientific and methodological data on its structure and rational organization, respectively. In general, in the work for the first time data on the components that form the structure of the daily regime of qualified athletes-archers are obtained. It is revealed that the main ones are training / competitions, training / work, rest, nutrition and sleep. The athlete's answers to the questionnaire regarding the scheduling of their daily regime allowed to reveal the problematic aspects of observing almost all its components in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators. One of the most pressing problems remains the leveling of the role of quality rest and restoration of athletes and at the same time abuse of excessive training and competitive loads. There are also significant problems in terms of nutrition. In the context of comparison with the data of scientific research, significant differences between the requirements for each in the selected components of the daily regime and the real situation among qualified bow arrows are revealed. So there is a need for correction of the daily regime of qualified archers.


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