

COPD, pulmonary rehabilitation, medical literacy, self-management, awareness.


Abstract. Analysis of the level of knowledge about their disease in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have done in the research. Medical literacy is the basis for understanding and implementing the necessary therapeutic recommendations to maintain optimal health and manage of physical condition of COPD patients. Research materials and methods: A cross-sectional study of 41 patients with a confirmed COPD was performed. Conducted surveys, anthropometry, questioning, spirometry, pulse oximetry, tonometry. Questionnaire tools: Modified British Medical Science Board (mMRC) questionnaire, Hospital Alarm and Depression Scale (HADS), COPD Control Questionnaire (CCQ), BORG Breath Scale, Bristol COPD Knowledge Questionnaire (BCKQ). COPD patients have a very low level of knowledge about their disease. The highest level of knowledge was found on issues related to symptoms of disease, phlegm and smoking. Despite the considerable duration of the disease are not sufficiently aware of the physiological features of the course of the disease, and a considerable number of respondents have misconceptions about the causes and effects of shortness of breath on the body and the effects of exercise on human health in COPD. Conclusions. The level of awareness and knowledge of people with COPD about their disease was low – 24.71 ± 9.62 points, which was 37.77 % of the maximum possible result. The best results were obtained on scales related to the onset of symptoms. The results of regression analysis show that parameters such as age, respiratory assessment, functional limitations and psychosocial dysfunction, depression, heart rate, and patient employment can serve as prognostic criteria for the COPD patient's literacy rate.


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