physical culture, schoolchildren, parents, teachers, interaction.Abstract
Abstract. Nowadays, a tendency for increasing of emotional and neuropsychic tension is tracked in a modern society. At the same time, there is a decreasing of a physical activity level. All this mentioned factors have negative influence on children state of health. One of the possible ways of this problem solving is to organize interaction between school and child family with the aim of a scholars physical education. The research object is an elaboration of the program that is based on a cooperation of school and a family for physical education of first form scholar’s; to check its effectiveness. Research methods are analysis and summarizing of sources; method of expert evaluations; sociological methods; pedagogic testing; pedagogic experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. 16 experts, 43 teachers of physical culture, 112 parents and 112 pupils of 1st form were surveyed. Effective forms of cooperation between teachers and parents were defended. A program that is based on this cooperation was elaborated and implemented to the learning process. As a result, there is a positive influence on a physical development (p<0,05), on a physical preparedness (р<0,04) and on a disposition of scholar’s motion activity on a leisure, as well.
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