

free time, adult women, motor activity.


Abstract. The place of movement activity in the structure of free time of adult women has been considered in the article. The types of activities, which are devoted to the most time at the leisure of women of all ages, are determined. The research was conducted by questionnaires of women, in which 1864 adult women participated, of which 1119 women live in cities and 745 in rural areas. As a result of the survey, it was found that women living in rural areas have considerably less free time than women living in urban areas: only 14.4 % of women in rural areas have free time every day, sometimes – 34.5 % of adult women, almost never – 51.5 %. Among women living in cities, 55.7 % have free time every day, sometimes – 34.5 % of respondents and almost never – 9.8 % of adult women. The first ranking places in the structure of free time for urban women occupy the following: occupation of personal affairs (29.8 %), communication with friends (28.2 %), watching TV programs (27.8 %). Women living in the countryside in their free time mostly prefer watching TV programs (22.2 %), embroider, knit (20.0 %), visit neighbors, go to visit (18.5 %). Older women are more active and prefer active leisure time, while women of retirement age prefer to have passive leisure in their free time. Specially organized motor activity, that is, exercises in the structure of free time adult women living in rural areas occupy only 9 rating positions among all hobbies, and among urban women – 5 rating position. It was found that women living in rural areas rated their own motor activity as high and medium (25.2 % and 36.1 % respectively). However, the motor activity of women living in the village is mostly household and only a small number of women (9.5 %) indicated that they have a specially organized motor activity in their free time. In return, among urban women, the percentage of those who indicated a high level of motor activity is much lower than that of rural women (9.7 %). These results indicate the need to develop a set of measures that will promote the attraction of adult women to a systematic specially organized motor activity in their free time.


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