bullet shooting, air rifle, technique and tactics, shot.Abstract
Abstract. Introduction. Bullet shooting is an object of interest of scientists. At the moment, methods for thoroughly considering a shot as a unit of competitive activity are not sufficiently described in practice, which causes problems in preparing shooters against the background of constant changes in competition rules. The purpose of the work was to analyze the temporal characteristics of the elements of the shotgun firing from a rifle. Research methods: theoretical analysis, analysis of documentary materials and data in the Internet, methods of mathematical statistics, correlation analysis. Results. The distribution of the shot and the numerical results are given. The data are general in nature and allow you to have an idea of the dynamics of the rifle firing process. Note the increase in certain firing times caused by the standard firing on paper targets from a pneumatic rifle. The latter can be interpreted as an external factor that hinders firing. Analysis of the average values of the phases of the shot showed that there is an increase in the total time for the first half of the shooting, with a further decrease in the total time. At the same time, the average result increased, then fell and finally stabilized. Preparation for the shot was smallest at the beginning and end of the shooter fluctuated in the middle of the series. The aiming was a tendency for hidden periods. Comparison of «aiming» and «taking a shot is an active shot» revealed a tendency towards the closeness of these results, which raises a number of questions. Conclusions. The duration of the parts shotgun from a pneumatic rifle is characterized, namely: «aiming», «shot firing – active shot», «setting the shot».
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