swimming, qualified swimmers, psychophysiological characteristics.Abstract
Abstract. The paper analyzes the main factors of the effectiveness of competitive activities in sport. Particular attention is drawn to the factors of the effectiveness of competitive activities in cycling sports, in particular, in short-range swimming. The aim of the research is to determine the psycho-physiological characteristics of swimmers for short distances. During the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, we have determined that certain factors of the effectiveness of competitive activities in swimming on short distances are closely related to the psycho-physiological characteristics of swimmers. So we have identified informative psycho-physiological characteristics for swimmers for short distances: a simple visual-motor reaction, a reaction of choice, a disjunctive reaction, resistance to interference and a reaction to a moving object. Also, using a device for psychophysiological testing «Neurosoft-psychotest » we measured the psychophysiological characteristics of qualified swimmers.
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