physical rehabilitation, therapeutic physical training, physical therapy, specialty.Abstract
Abstract. Focus on the reorganization of existing and the creation of new specialties of training is an important feature of modern development of education in Ukraine. Wide disclosure of the formation of a relatively new scientific and educational specialty "physical therapy" in Ukraine, is relevant in the context of the restructuring of the education system to international requirements. The purpose of the study was to establish the genesis of the scientific and educational field of "physical therapy". The following research methods were used in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature sources and the Internet. The historical aspects of formation and development of rehabilitation, therapeutic physical training, physical rehabilitation and physical therapy in Ukraine, aspects of training specialists in "physical therapy", which are aimed at educating a new generation of specialists according to international standards to create a modern rehabilitation system in Ukraine. The contribution of domestic scientists to the development of therapeutic physical training and physical rehabilitation is shown. An analysis of the development of physical therapy as an educational field in Ukraine is presented. The question of analyzing the evolution of the formation of physical therapy, understanding its essence, the use of tools and methods is relevant because they are an important component of the theoretical training of specialists in physical therapy.
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