

physical therapy, COPD, expert evaluation, Delphi method.


Abstract. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases in the world. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is one of the important strategies for managing COPD patients in developed countries. In order to achieve a high level of world standards of treatment of patients with chronic lung diseases, including COPD, PR should be accessible for the patient in Ukraine. HR programs should be based on a model of pulmonary rehabilitation that would take into account the recommendations of leading global professional organizations, clinical guidelines and was adapted to domestic conditions. The aim of the study was to verify the model of pulmonary rehabilitation for its acceptability for specialists working with patients with COPD, compliance with patient needs, modern scientific research and clinical guidelines. Materials and methods. The model of PR of patients with COPD was validated using the Delphi method. The expert evaluation took place in four stages, in particular, two rounds of expert interviews were conducted on the provisions of the proposed model of pulmonary rehabilitation of patients with COPD. Results. The expert evaluation was attended by 9 experts – doctors, physical therapists, doctors of physical and rehabilitation medicine, scientists / teachers. Two rounds of expert evaluation were conducted, based on the results of which most of the provisions of the pulmonary rehabilitation model were identified by experts as very important – the agreement was ≥75 %. No consensus has been reached on the mandatory participation of a therapist / family doctor, speech therapist, social worker, cardiologist and dietitian in a multidisciplinary team. The recommendation "Pulmonary rehabilitation should not be performed in the period of exacerbation" was also not recognized as important. The provision of speech therapy was recognized as an important but not essential element (75 % of experts rated it at 4–6 points). Conclusions. Taking into account the results of the expert evaluation, an improved model of pulmonary rehabilitation was proposed, which is acceptable for specialists working with patients with COPD, relevant to the needs of patients and modern scientific research and clinical guidelines.


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