fitness program, motor activity, fitness level, institutions of higher education, healthy lifestyle.Abstract
Abstract. The paper substantiates the structure and content of health-related fitness programs used during the educational process of students with diseases of the cardio-respiratory system. Objectives of the study: to identify the motives and interests of students to be engaged in different types of motor activity; to determine the level of physical condition of students with diseases of the cardio-respiratory system; to develop health-related fitness programs for students with cardio-respiratory system diseases and experimentally test their effectiveness. The following research methods were used to solve the problem: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature data; documentary method; sociological methods (questionnaires); pedagogical observation; medical and biological methods (evaluation level of physical condition, adaptive potential, functional state of cardiovascular and respiratory systems); pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. The research was conducted on the basis of the Lviv Commercial Academy. It was attended by 53 students aged 17–18 who suffered from cardio-respiratory diseases. The students were divided into two groups: a control group (CG=28 people) and an experimental group (EG=25 people). The necessity of correction of physical education programs is proved, taking into account the level of physical fitness, functional state of each student and interests to different types of classes. It was established that the fitness level (FL) of 37.7 % of students is lower than average; 60.4 % – average; 1.9 % – higher than average level. People with low and high levels of fitness were not found. Experimental testing of the developed programs revealed a significantly greater improvement in their efficiency compared with the traditional method of training. After the completion of the pedagogical experiment, the number of EG students with a lower than average fitness level significantly decreased from 40.0 to 8.0 % (p<0.05), and the number of students with average FL significantly increased from 60.0 to 92.0 % (p<0.05). After the pedagogical experiment in KG, the number of students with lower than average FL increased unbelievably from 32.1 to 46.4 %; with the average FL, on the contrary, decreased from 64.3 to 50.0 % (p<0.05) and with higher than average FL it remained at the previous level and amounted to 3.6 %.
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