


combat activity, concussion, physical fitness, test, program, military professional activity


The military professional activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is characterized by the presence of a large number of risk factors that can lead to deterioration of their health and decrease in combat capability. Concussions and their consequences are quite common disorders of combat readiness of servicemen who participated in combat operations. At the same time, the adaptation of servicemen who sustained concussions while performing their duties should be comprehensive. However, this task has not yet been finally resolved, which has led to the relevance of the chosen area of research. The study of the level of physical fitness of servicemen with concussion shows that a decrease in reaction speed indicates an imbalance in the processes of perception and processing of information, which is an illustration of the nervous system disorders that occur as a result of concussion. The combat activity of military personnel is usually considered as a pronounced psychotraumatic situation due to specific factors that lead to persistent disorders of their health and affect the reduction of their further social adaptation in society and in the team as a whole. It has been established that servicemen with shell shock have health disorders at the level of pre-concussion state, characterized by deterioration in the regulation of the body's basic processes, which occurs in the form of nervous system disorders. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the proportion of people with physical fitness disorders. Taking into account the peculiarities of the professional activity of servicemen and the tasks they perform in today's conditions, there is a need to study and assess their physical fitness as a key component of readiness to perform assigned tasks. It is a high level of physical fitness that allows them to successfully perform their professional duties and is a criterion of sufficient combat capability.


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