

theoretical training, cyclic sports, guidelines, principles.


Abstract. The article presents the guidelines of theoretical training in cyclic sports and methodical recommendations to them. The purpose of the study was to determine the guidelines for theoretical training in cyclic sports and methodical recommendations for them. The following research methods were used in the work: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources, induction and deduction, abstraction, comparison, classification and systematization. It is established that the leading positions of theoretical training in cyclic sports are based on common principles for all kinds of sports [5, 7]. At the same time, taking into account the features of the structure and content of competitive activities and the methodology of training athletes in cyclic sports, there is a need for additional definition of a specific group of principles. Thus, within the framework of the concept of theoretical training in cyclic sports, the following principles are substantiated: the principle of theoretical training specification in groups of sports implies that part of knowledge must be specified depending on the requirements of a particular sport or subgroup of sports; the principle of the unity of the theoretical preparedness of the subjects in the system of training – implies that the level of theoretical preparedness of athletes depends on the level of knowledge of the trainer- teacher in the chosen sport, his/her skillful application of methods and means of theoretical training during the training sessions; the principle of training cognitive fitness – implies that the athlete must understand the meaning of the term before using it. That is, deepening the knowledge of the chosen sport by explaining the essence and studying the terms, including those of foreign origin; the principle of the technologic theoretical training – is to develop and ensure compliance with the technology of theoretical training in groups of sports and involves the use of the whole set of methods and tools for theoretical training in order to form theoretical preparedness; the principle of unification of theoretical training in cyclic sports – is to bring to a single standard of the structure and content of theoretical training in a group of cyclic sports and sports disciplines, as well as criteria for monitoring its level in all sports schools of the country. Prospects for further research in this direction suggest that on the basis of established principles, the implementation of theoretical training in cyclic sports will be developed.


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