

pulmonary rehabilitation, ICF, categories, rehabilitation diagnosis, Rehab-Cycle.


Introduction. Despite the fact that the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) was approved by the World Health Organization in 2001, its administration in rehabilitation practice is limited. “Universal language” of the ICF will contribute to the unification of patient assessment during physical therapy, to conscious choice of individual goals and objectives of rehabilitation, as well as the selection of rehabilitation interventions. The development of rehabilitation care for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), taking into account the current trends in rehabilitation assistance with the focus on human functioning, activity and participation, requires widespread use of the ICF. This fact actualizes search for the ways of how to introduce it into the clinical practice of a physical therapist. The goal of the study was to adapt the use of tools of the ICF in the process of planning physical therapy for the COPD patients. Results. Analyzed the possibility of using tools of the ICF in the process of physical therapy of patients with COPD. The possibility of primary assessment, the formulation of a rehabilitation diagnosis and further rehabilitation planning using the categories of ICF described on the clinical case example. According to the results of the survey and examination of the patients, using the ICF category, ICF Assessment Sheet and ICF Categorical Profile are completed. Each defined category of the ICF is evaluated using the qualifier. For the patients who need rehabilitation interventions 28 categories of ICF were selected. Conclusions. The phases of the physical therapy process relate to Rehab-Cycle® elements, which enables the effective implementation of ICF-based tools at all stages of COPD-patients rehabilitation. Formulation of the rehabilitation diagnosis and further planning of physical therapy for patients with COPD is advisable using the ICF Core Set for obstructive pulmonary diseases. Applying ICF it becomes possible to determine rehabilitation goals and objectives relevant for a patient with COPD, to predict and plan the outcome of rehabilitation and further intervention in a clear format.


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