scoliosis, physical therapy, meal therapy, spinal deformityAbstract
The aim of the study: to determine the effectiveness of using the Schroth therapy technique for scoliosis in children. Object of research: physical therapy for scoliosis. Subject of research: means and methods of physical therapy for scoliosis. Research methods – analysis of scientific and methodical literature on the chosen topic; sociological methods; pedagogical methods; medical and biological methods; methods of mathematical statistics. Results: After the completion of the course of physical therapy in patients in anthropometric indicators: weight decreased by an average of 1.6 kg, height increased by an average of 1.6 cm, and OCG increased by 1.5 cm. The results of the Barbell test increased on average for 9 seconds, and Genchi's tests – 9.3 seconds. Good success was achieved in reducing pain, which we evaluated with the VAS at the beginning of the study, the average pain score was 5.3 points, and the final results were 1.3 points. Positive dynamics can be observed in scoliomeria indicators and a decrease in the Cobb angle of deformation. In patient 1, the angle in the thoracic region decreased by 4°, in the lumbar region – by 5°, scoliometry decreased by 6°, in patient 2, the angle in the thoracic region decreased by 2°, in the lumbar region – by 7°, scoliometry – by 5°, in patient 3 in the thoracic region, the angle decreased by 4°, in the lumbar region by 5°, scoliometry by 5°. Adams and Trendelenburg tests were negative on repeat, and Mathias test showed normal posture in all patients. Patients improved coordination and balance, and during the repeated stand-up-and-go (TUG) test, they took less time to walk three meters back and sit on a chair. It was also possible to improve combined endurance and strengthen the muscles of the scapula and shoulder stabilizers, during the test of temporary standing (TB) with a load, patients managed to stand longer with dumbbells in their hands.
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