fencing, individual performance, team competitions, National team, team composition.Abstract
Abstract. The actuality of the research lies in the fact that the specificity of team competitions in fencing requires the determination of a rational sequence of athletes based on the determination of indices of their individual performance with various opposing teams. This should take into account the difference in the score during team competitions, the results of fights with different opponents, the possibility of teammates and the opposing team. The purpose of the study was to determine the individual performance of the competitive activities of the world's leading fencers (on the example of the National team of Ukraine). The research methods included an analysis of the competition protocols and the world ranking of teams in women fencing during the 2016–2017 season. The performances at the World Cup and the main competitions of the annual macrocycle were analyzed (the XXXI Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, World Championship in Leipzig). The results of the work consisted in determining the optimal sequence of performances of athletes in the National team of Ukraine. It was established that the following sequence is the most effective: on the first number position – O. Krivitskaya, on the second position – K. Panteleeva, on the third number position – F. Bezhura and A. Pochkalova. Based on data obtained from the analysis of performances of team members in the 2016–2017 season fights in different positions it was determined that the Ukrainian team uses the same approach to form the composition of the participants during the team match. The approach consists in the fact that the composition of the team is stable throughout the year, and the number of athletes varies depending on the level of competition, the position of the national team in the world ranking and the composition of the opposing team. This is indicated by the fact that during the team competitions in the 2016–2017 season all four athletes fenced steadily. It was also established that the optimal sequence of performances of athletes in team competitions should be formed on the basis of indices of individual performance of athletes at different positions. For the National team of Ukraine, the most effective is the following sequence: in the position of the first number – O. Krivitskaya, in the second position – Pantyleeva K., at the position of the third number – F. Bezhura and A. Pochkalova. Elena Krivitskaya performed most successfully on the position of the first number. It was determined that she won the most battles in comparison with other participants in the National team of Ukraine (76.2 %).
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