soccer, individual actions, coordination of motor skills, one-on-one duel.Abstract
Abstract. The aim of the work was to determine the strength of the correlation between the coordination level of motor skills and the effectiveness of winning face-to-face duels in soccer. The effectiveness of individual players' actions was evaluated in regard to the game effectiveness index based on the results of one-on‑1one duels, while computer and self-tests were used to diagnose the coordination level of motor skills. In order to determine the coordination level of motor skills of individual players and to rank these players in a linear way, a correlation vector should be built, followed by a regression equation. For this purpose one of the taxonomic analysis procedures named in the econometric literature as an indicator of the development of Z. Hellwig was used, whereas in the sports sciences this indicator it is called competitive development index. The application of this criterion is a great measure of the linear ordering of the tested players and it creates a methodological basis for calculating the values of parametric tests in the form of correlation and regression. Another element of the analysis was the calculation of the linear correlation coefficient and the Kendall coefficient, on the basis of which the relationship between the development (competitive) index and the place (player ranking) was determined. It was found that there is a clear relationship between the place in the ranking and the coefficient of development – the higher the value of the development is, the higher the place is. Therefore it should be assumed that the level of coordination of motor skills determines to a large extent the effectiveness of soccer players in one-on-one duels. Thus winning in modern soccer determines in a large extent the success or failure during the match.
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