

technical and tactical actions, quantity, correlation, dynamics, values.


Abstract. Modern pancratium approximates to ancient pancratium but is far from being its spitting image. Modern pancratium underwent a lot of changes during its evolutionary development. The level of technical and tactical physical fitness of athletes increases every year, therefore there is a permanent need for an efficiant scientific and methodological support. High level of sports achievements in pancratium as well as intense rivalry at national and international compatitions generates a need for advanced requirements to athletes training including its technical and tactical aspect.The maintenance of the training process compiled in annual cycles provides the achievement of the high sports results. Objective: to define the structure and content of technical and tactical activity of adult qualified athletes in pancratium. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological publications, pedagogical observation (using video materials of competitive activity), methods of the mathematical statistics. Organization. Video footage of 25 bouts between qualified pancratium athletes participating in the World Championship, which took place in Georgia from 29.09.2016 to 02.10.2016 underwent thorough analysis. According to the dynamics of the duration of competitive matches and taking into account the early completion of clashes among adult athletes in pancratium, it has been observed that most of the early wins of this or that athlete took place in the first half of the fight. Comparing the competitive activity of adult pancratium athletes with other types of mixed martial arts there is a significantly greater number of kick strokes. This occurs due to the technical and tactical features of pancratium, where kicking has higher competitive scores. There is a frequent use of "low-kick". A small number of strikes by the hands can be attributed to the technical and tactical features of pancratium, namely the conduct of bouts on an open carpet and the athletes' attempts to conduct their fights at a distance. While counteracting the unprepared arms attacks, the wrestling techniques like throws and takedown are applied. The study of the dynamics of technical and tactical actions of adult athletes (namely, strikes by hands, legs, and technical and tactical actions related to the struggle) revealed the three phases of activity, namely the first minute of the bout, the middle of the bout (from 100th sec. to 160th sec.) and the ending of the bout (from 260 seconds to the end of the match). Coaches should take into account the above mentioned bout structure and use it in elaborating a training process and preparing for the competition.


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