


ergonomics, injury, health care, physical therapy


The direction of physical therapy and occupational therapy is relatively new for Ukraine. The variety of approaches to the understanding this concept indicates the complexity and ambiguity of the problem, which requires the search for new approaches to its solution. Specialists should work in all rehabilitation institutions, regardless of subordination. The purpose of the research is to find out the risk of injuries in physical therapists during the professional activity. Research methods are analysis of scientific and methodical literature; documentary method; sociological methods (questionnaires, observations); methods of mathematical statistics. The results. Physical therapists are advised to pay special attention to performing manual interventions in a static position, moving patients and securing them to avoid possible violations of musculoskeletal system and ensure safety during work. The Quick Evaluation of Impact Factors (QEC) method found that physical therapists experience the most negative impact on different areas of the body during their work tasks. Observations and analysis have shown that the static positions adopted by professionals during manual interventions and moving patients can cause overload on the back, arms, hands and neck. This can occur due to prolonged holding in uncomfortable positions or due to the great effort that must be applied. An important part of the study was to determine the areas of the body that suffer the most due while working. This allows to identify potential problem areas and develop strategies to prevent injury and discomfort. Additional research may include the development of effective methods for facilitating work positions, the use of ergonomic equipment, and training in proper technique for performing working tasks.


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