
  • Hryhorii TOKAR Communal Institution of Higher Education «Khortytsia National Educational and Rehabilitation Academy» of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council Author https://orcid.org/0009-0005-0205-1252
  • Tetiana ODYNETS Communal Institution of Higher Education «Khortytsia National Educational and Rehabilitation Academy» of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Council Author https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8613-8470




range of motion, balance, arthrosis, gait, working capacity, therapeutic exercises


Despite constant improvements in endoprosthesis implantation designs and techniques, the results of this procedure do not always meet the expectations of both patients and surgeons, which requires the development of physical therapy programs. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of physical therapy in elderly people after hip joint replacement. Research methods. Theoretical research methods were used in the work: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, pedagogical, medicalbiological, mathematical statistics methods. Results. The repeated results of the Berg test in the experimental group improved significantly by 10.02 points, the 10-meter test by 1.80 seconds, and the 6-minute test by 110.00 meters. In comparison with the control group, whose participants used generally accepted methods of rehabilitation, the men of the experimental group, who followed the author's program, showed a closer approximation of the aggregated average indicators to the norm. At the end of the formative stage of the study, the hip flexion index improved in EG by 28.02 degrees (p<0.05), while in CG only by 7.05 degrees (p>0.05), hip extension - by 4.60 degrees (p < 0.05) in EG and 0.50 degrees (p>0.05) in CG, the pain index decreased in EG by 2.78 points, at the same time in CG – by 0.95 points. The dynamics of changes in the tested indicators showed that the result of the Berg test improved by 24.04% in patients of the experimental group against 4.77% in the control group, the stand-up-and-go test – by 9.65% and 2.66%, the 10-meter test – by 20.23% and 3.52%, by 6-minute test – by 27.47% and 4.87%. Conclusions. Physical therapy after hip arthroplasty aims to restore joint function, improve mobility, and reduce pain. These aspects are important for improving patients' quality of life and their ability to live independently.


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